Slut: A Love Story

SLUT: A Love Story is a vibrant manifesto of joy, feminism, and sexual exploration. Through the lens of her own life, performer and self-identified slut, Anne Marina Fidler courageously navigates the impacts of heartbreak, sex work and technology on this identity. Employing storytelling, dance and audience participation, Fidler crafts a compelling narrative that is both humorous and sincere.

Drawing from her own rich and charmed sexual history, Fidler invites audiences to participate in a narrative that celebrates the complexities of sex as part of our fully realized selves, while still acknowledging the collective trauma and shame that patriarchy places on sexuality.

Nächster Termin

Donnerstag, 27.06.2024


20:00 Uhr
Fidicinstr. 40
10965 Berlin


17,60 EUR


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