Kroatisches Nationaltheater in Zagreb

Two actors in a studio on top of a building built in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In a space decorated in the modernist style of the 50s of the past century.
In the studio primarily intended for sound recordings.
Two actors in the studio will perform an experiment.
Inspired by the lectures of physicist Richard Feynman.
An experiment or a trial is an analytical procedure that studies cause-and-effect relationships.
In the natural sciences, it is a procedure of controlled observation and measurement of phenomena.
The experiment gives us answers as to why something happens.
Why is the same event replicated?
The experiment can point to what is important and what is not.
An experiment can shed new light on known phenomena.
In the natural sciences, an experiment has succeeded if it always replicates the same result.
In performing arts, an experiment is successful if it never concludes in the same way.
(This is the extent of what we can reveal at this moment.)

Text: Tomislav Šoban
Text Coauthor and dramaturg: Marin Lisjak
Director and set designer: Tomislav Šoban
Costume designer: Gabrijela Krešić
Composer of music: Miro Manojlović
Light designer: Luka Matić
Stage movement: Natalija Manojlović
Costume designer´s assistants: Suzana Tkalčec, Nina Kovačević (volunteer)
Stage manager: Suzana Bogdan-Pavek

Actors: Nina Violić, Livio Badurina

World premiere in Zagreb: 15th October 2023
Duration: 60 minutes (no intermission)


Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
Autorski projekt Tomislava Šobana

Dvoje glumaca u dvorani na vrhu zgrade građene u Austro-Ugarskoj.
U prostoru uređenom u modernističkom stilu 50-ih godina prošlog stoljeća.
U dvorani ponajprije namijenjenoj za tonska snimanja.
Dvoje glumaca u dvorani izvest će eksperiment.
Inspiriran predavanjima fizičara Richarda Feynmana.
Eksperiment ili pokus je analitički postupak za proučavanje uzročno-posljedičnih odnosa.
U prirodnim znanostima to je postupak kontroliranog opažanja i mjerenja pojava.
Pokus nam daje odgovore zašto se nešto zbiva.
Zašto se isto ponavlja.
Eksperiment može uputiti na to što je bitno, a što nebitno.
Pokus može baciti novo svjetlo na poznate pojave.
U prirodnim znanostima eksperiment je uspio ako uvijek daje isti rezultat.
U dramskoj umjetnost eksperiment je uspio ako nikada ne daje isti rezultat.
(Za sada vam više od ovoga ne možemo otkriti.)

Tekst: Tomislav Šoban
Koautor teksta i dramaturg: Marin Lisjak
Redatelj i scenograf: Tomislav Šoban
Kostimografkinja: Gabrijela Krešić
Skladatelj: Miro Manojlović
Oblikovatelj svjetla: Luka Matić
Suradnica za scenski pokret: Natalija Manojlović
Asistentice kostimografkinje: Suzana Tkalčec, Nina Kovačević (volonterka)
Inspicijentica: Suzana Bogdan-Pavek

Glumci: Nina Violić, Livio Badurina

Praizvedba u Zagrebu: 15.10.2023.
Trajanje: 60 minuta (bez pauze)

Tomislav Šoban
(Zagreb, born in 1981)
Tomislav Šoban graduated in 2004 from the Graphic Arts Department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In 2020 he completed an M.A. in film and TV directing at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, majoring in feature film. Since 2009 he has been an active member of the Zagreb Cinema Club (Kino klub Zagreb), of which he was the president from 2018 to 2022. His research interests address cinematic form and means of expression. He is the author of many short films of different film genres that were shown at various national and international festivals.

Foto: Mara Bratoš


Mittwoch, 25.09.2024


21:00 Uhr
Viktoriastraße 10-18
12105 Berlin


23,00 EUR

Eintritt Hinweise

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